Cycling Unbound Foundation

Reaching your fifties can be a challenging time to stay fit, but it is not impossible. In fact, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can follow to get and stay fit. Whether you are already an active person or starting out, the following steps will help you stay fit and healthy.

Step 1: Consistency

As your body ages, it thrives on consistency and routine. Whether you are working out for one hour or ten hours a week, it is important to be consistent. You can start with a few hours a week and gradually increase it as you get fitter. Keeping a routine will help you stay motivated and focused.

Step 2: Volume

Increasing your volume is an excellent way to naturally increase your fitness. Once you feel yourself getting fitter, try to up your volume while maintaining your routine. If you are already doing two to three hours a week, try to extend it to four or five hours. However, make sure you keep it consistent.

Step 3: Intervals

Intervals are an excellent way to push your fitness to the next level. Once you have built up your volume, try doing some hill climbs or shorter efforts. Repeat these efforts a few times and gradually increase the duration. This will help you build up your fitness and endurance.

Step 4: Expectations

It is essential to have clear expectations of what you want to achieve with your fitness. Do you want to ride sportives, join the local chain gang or ride longer distances? Having a clear goal will help you focus your efforts and build up your volume accordingly.

Step 5: Recovery

Recovery is crucial for your body, especially as you age. It is important to rest and recover well after each workout. Make sure you eat well and take it easy after a big ride.

In conclusion, getting and staying fit in your fifties is not impossible. It requires consistency, volume, intervals, clear expectations, and proper recovery. By following these steps, you will be on your way to a healthy and active lifestyle. Remember, it is never too late to start, and it is never too late to make a change.