Cycling Unbound Foundation

Upping your salt intake is seldom your doctor’s advice, but in the few days leading up to a big ride or sportive that’s exactly what you should do. This gives you the perfect excuse to munch on crisps and other salty foods you might normally avoid.

The sodium in them helps protect your body against hyponatraemia, a condition caused by drinking too much water without enough sodium that can lead to disorientation, illness and worse.


Make creative breakthroughs

Writers, musicians, artists, top executives and all kinds of other professionals use exercise to solve mental blocks and make decisions – including Jeremy Paxman, Sir Alan Sugar and Spandau Ballet.

A study found that just 25 minutes of aerobic exercise boosts at least one measure of creative thinking. Credit goes to the flow of oxygen to your grey matter when it matters most, sparking your neurons and giving you breathing space away from the muddle and pressures of ‘real life’.


You’re developing a positive addiction

Replace a harmful dependency – such as cigarettes, alcohol or eating too much chocolate – with a positive one, says William Glasser, author of Positive Addiction.

The result? You’re a happier, healthier person getting the kind of fix that boosts the good things in life.